月份: 2022 年 7 月


(2022年7月28日 公開信) 本會審慎歡迎環保署於 2022 年 6 月提出的 PPRS 替代框架,但本會憂慮以下幾個漏洞將阻礙 PPRS 落實減少即棄塑膠的目標:• 最低退款金額(HK$0.1)太低,難以鼓勵廣泛市民參與;• 第一年的回收目標並不進取,落後於業界及其他國家/地區做法 • 替代框架對於源頭減量目標隻字不提; • 替代框架將責任從生產商轉移到系統營運者(SO); • 其他即棄塑膠飲品容器類型被排除在外

From air pollution to waste, has Hong Kong’s environmental report card improved since 1997?

(5 July 2022 SCMP)
As Hong Kong has just celebrated the 25th anniversary of its return to China, it is worth reviewing some key environmental performance indicators to see if there has been improvement since 1997. The results would help Hong Kong’s new chief executive, John Lee Ka-chiu, set key performance indicators, which he has vowed to do and which are critical for Hong Kong’s sustainable development.