Month: July 2020
別讓新桶孤苦伶仃 務須做好政策配套
Peel that apple? Microplastic invasion of healthy foods demands policy action
(18 July 2020 SCMP) Reports in scientific journals suggest microplastics have started to infest even fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet. When humanity must worry about the risks of eating healthy food, it is morally irresponsible for leaders to focus only on economic and political battles.
每日一蘋果 膠粒遠離我?
2020年7月10日 微塑膠無處不在。首次有研究發現,蔬果逃不掉微塑膠入侵;其中在受檢測的蘋果樣本中,平均每克含有近20萬粒的微塑膠,就是說咬一口也可能同時吞掉數十萬粒,衝擊了「每日一蘋果,醫生遠離我」的固有健康觀念。
Hong Kong staring at plastic waste crisis if workable recycling plan remains out of reach
(1 July 2020) With mainland China set to stop solid waste imports, and stricter controls imminent on global plastic waste movement, the Hong Kong government must show it is capable of more than its pitiful efforts so far to sort and recycle.