(2022年6月30日 聯團報告發布)《環評條例》自1998年實施以來一直未有全面檢討整個制度,雖然過往在個別項目掀起爭議或被受到司法覆核挑戰後,環保團體以至社會各界曾獲邀討論環評制度,就環
Category: Uncategorized
環評停滯24年 政府優化方案求快不求質 10環團將向政府提交民間意見書 促修補漏洞
(2022年6月1日 聯團新聞稿)環境保護署今日就「優化《環境影響評估條例》(下稱《環評條例》) 程序」展開為期一個月的公眾參與,10個環保團體(下稱團體)召開聯合記者會,批評環評機制自1998年實施以來一直原地踏步,惟當局以「優化」為名提出的多項提議求快不求質,例如容許在未確立環評研究範圍的公眾諮詢前,便開展生態基線調查;拒絕將日益嚴重的氣候變化及光污染納入環評,以及缺乏監管緩解及補償措施等。團體向政府提出民間意見書摘要,並將於諮詢期內提交完整意見書,促請當局以環境為本「優化」環評程序,修補漏洞,勿因貪快而犧牲環境。
High Levels of Heavy Metals were found in the soil near the Gun Club Act Now, the Lands Department!
(Press Release – 25 September 2020) Hundreds of thousands of lead pellets, plastic wads and target shards from spent shots are found littered on the slopes near Hong Kong Gun Club.
(2020年8月24日新聞稿) 大欖郊野公園一帶山野及引水道出現射擊垃圾,香港槍會被指為元兇,案件雖裁定表証成立,卻因控方保存証物出差錯,槍會脫罪。然而,綠惜地球最近兩度重返現場,發現問題不但未解決,最近連場大雨下,更把山上積存的靶碎、霰彈槍內的鉛粒(Shot) 和塑膠彈塞(Wad)沖下來,反映問題嚴重。其中靶碎、彈塞落入引水道,可能觸犯《水務設施條例》;而後者輕身,可循引水道流入約七公里外的城門水塘,污染食水。
2020年8月22日 《香港經濟日報》不用水晶球也能預視,格陵蘭的冰層終會消失,我說的。8月13日,科學期刊《Communications Earth & Environment》刊登研究,指出格陵蘭冰層的降雪量已經追不上夏季的融冰速度;一旦全部融化,海平面將被推高6米,相當於兩層樓高,足以淹沒眾多沿海城市。
別讓新桶孤苦伶仃 務須做好政策配套
Peel that apple? Microplastic invasion of healthy foods demands policy action
(18 July 2020 SCMP) Reports in scientific journals suggest microplastics have started to infest even fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet. When humanity must worry about the risks of eating healthy food, it is morally irresponsible for leaders to focus only on economic and political battles.
Environmental crisis should not be ignored amid protests over extradition bill
(30 June 2019)The controversial extradition bill amendment proposed by the government has woken Hongkongers up to appreciate the due procedures for legislation development, but at a huge social cost.
On World Environment Day consider how our profligate pollution contributes to crisis
(5 June 2019)Today is World Environment Day and I urge everybody to pledge to go green for Planet Earth. Just a month ago the United Nations released a report on biodiversity that highlights the accelerating threat of extinction to 1 million plant and animal species.