
The Green Earth - Charity Woodland

TGE Charity Woodland Logo

About the Programme


The Green Earth (TGE) joined "Plantation Enrichment Programme" since 2016. Established a half-hectare of "The Green Earth Charity Woodland" in 2023, we aim to enrich the biodiversity of Hong Kong Country Parks and provide a variety of food sources for wildlife.


You are cordially invited to build the woodland with us! By making a HK$500 donation*, you will nurture one local native tree seedling and support our daily plantation work! The tree seedlings will be planted and cared by The Green Earth until they become self-sufficient^.

* A tax-deductible receipt will be issued for your donation of HK$100 or more (R88 code: 91/14899)

Tree planting circle 2




Each Charity Woodland donor will receive the following items as a token of appreciation:


  • Tree E-certificate (Feel free to write the names of your family and friends as a gift)
  • Regular plantation growth records -  to understand the status of seedlings
  • Electronic Charity Woodland Travel Map - to plan your outing to visit the forest


TGE Tree Planting Day 2024 Successfully Completed

Event Highlights opening6
Event Highlights opening2


  • Learn about "Plantation Enrichment Programme" and gain knowledge about tree seedlings
  • Understand the daily work of Charity Woodland
  • Learn tree planting techniques from our tree experts
  • Plant local native tree seedlings with your own hands

Your Donation Supports …..

Preparatory work for tree planting

Staff and volunteer training

Tree care work (e.g. weeding and adding fertilizer)

Purchase seedlings and care supplies

Daily logistics and forest transportation

Tree growth check and ecological record

Hong Kong Local Seedlings

# “Country Parks Plantation Enrichment Programme (PEP)” was launched by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) in 2009. The Green Earth aims to promote this program to the community and encourage public participation, hopes to gather a group of environmental partners to establish the "TGE Charity Woodland". This afforestation work takes five years, including strategically removing aging exotic trees within designated quadrats, replacing them with native trees, conducting regular growth checks, tree-care maintenance (like weeding and fertilization) and ecological survey, etc.


* The aim of this programme is to gather joint support in establishing a woodland and enhancing its biodiversity. Strong may hold while weak may be weeded out in the natural competition so the survival rate of seedlings in the wild will never be 100%. If some of the seedlings fail to survive, TGE will decide whether to replant according to the circumstances.