分類: 2023

香港山徑日2023 綠惜地球最新出版山徑書《看不見的山徑》暨新書展覽


17團體就氣候變化政策向特首提交建議書 要求當局立即採取更進取的氣候行動

(2023年10月16日新聞稿) 氣候危機日益加劇,香港近期不單打破多個酷熱紀錄,更出現世紀黑色暴雨、短時間內迎來多個颱風等極端天氣,凸顯香港須盡快大幅且持續減排,並提高應對氣候變化能力,以保障市民及下一代的可持續發展。17個團體聯合向特首李家超提交政策建議書,並召開聯合記者會,強烈要求立即採取更進取的氣候行動。

Hong Kong floods: even climate change sceptics must see the need to prepare for extreme weather

(12 September 2023 SCMP)
Within two hours on Thursday night, the Hong Kong Observatory had exhausted the rainstorm warnings it could issue: amber, red and black. The observatory attributed the heavy downpours around the city to the trough of low pressure associated with Typhoon Haikui, although that storm, unlike Typhoon Saola, had not made landfall on Hong Kong.

Hong Kong should never have sent solar panels damaged during Super Typhoon Saola to landfills

(6 September 2023 Hong Kong Free Press)

In recent years, more and more people have installed solar panels on their roofs. Solar panel owners can sell the green electricity generated by these solar panels to power companies for a handsome income. In turn, the power companies can sell renewable energy certificates to companies and organisations interested in reducing their carbon footprint.

How nightly marine light pollution harms sea life, the environment and Hongkongers

(20 August 2023 Hong Kong Free Press)

Marine light pollution caused by bright fishing lights is a growing concern in Hong Kong. It adversely affects the environment, disrupts coastal residents, harms marine life, and poses risks to navigation. Clear rules and regulations are essential to mitigate this issue and strike a balance between the fishing industry’s requirements and the protection of the marine ecosystem.