Lots of people ask, “What can we do?”, while I was sharing about the imminent waste paper crisis in communities.
This crisis not only affecting recyclers and scavengers, but almost everyone. Everyone has generated waste paper in one way or another, so while there is problem in exporting waste paper to the mainland for a short period of time, all of us should act to resolve this crisis.
The quality of waste paper is not the main issue of the crisis. According to the recycling industry, waste paper cannot be exported to the mainland is due to the holding up of import permits by the Chinese government, which is expected to get resolved shortly.
Back to the question of “what can we do?”. The Green Earth initiates the Let’s be the Problem Solvers Campaign, calling for different sectors to take the following steps in the interim to prevent waste paper from piling up on our streets or dumping to landfills.
1. If residential estates, offices, schools, commercial buildings are rejected by recyclers to collect your waste paper, try the best to store the waste paper temporarily at your place to ease the storage pressure of the recyclers.
2. Office
3. Individual
4. Recycling Sector
Whether organizations, estates, schools,property management companies or individuals, if you are willing to support our appeal to become one of the problem solvers, please inform us by filling in this form. We will acknowledge supporters in due course.
Let’s be the Problem Solvers Campaign: https://goo.gl/fyyGSL