王福義博士在《夢想山徑 – 麥理浩徑的集體回憶》公眾講座中,為我們帶來精彩的口述回憶及珍貴的歷史照片,認識到麥徑的來龍去脈。另外,講座亦請來大型賽事總監莫子傑先生分享麥徑的民間活動。
Many national parks overseas have education programme on nature trail conservation. Such issue is definitely important nevertheless rarely researched, discussed and acted on in Hong Kong. A series of public engagement activities aims to boost public awareness on different facets of trails in Hong Kong, including landscapes, geology, historical culture, and problems like trail conditions and challenges on trail management related to heavy degradation and soil erosion. Publicwould understand the importance of conservation of nature trails and learn sustainable ways to use the trails.
Dr Wong Fook-yee brought us fabulous oral history and precious historical photos in our “World’s Dream Trail – Collective Memory of the MacLehose Trail” public lecture to introduce the MacLehose Trail. Besides, the lecture also invited Mr MokTsz Kit, the director of a large race event to share public activities related to MacLeHose Trail.
日期:2018 年 12 月
Date: Dec 2018