The concept “Leave No Trace” originated from the US in 1960s-70s when people started their outdoor hobbies such as hiking, trail trekking and camping in the post-war period. The increase of countryside visits led to growing disturbance to the natural environment. Not only were the ecology and habitats disturbed, historical heritage and soils were damaged in different extents.

Therefore in 1980s, the US government, scholars, organisations for conservations and hiking launched the “Leave No Trace” campaign to educate the public the value of respect to the nature and to promote minimisation of negative impacts brought by leisure activities to natural habitats. The seven principles of “Leave no Trace” are:

  • Plan ahead and prepare

  • Travel and camp on durable surfaces

  • Dispose of waste properly

  • Leave what you find

  • Minimise campfire impacts

  • Respect wildlife

  • Be considerate to other visitors



Maintain natural beauty of trails and minimise impacts to natural habitats and indigenous culture while satisfying different recreational needs and reasonable uses:

  • Choose the location mindfully,
    especially for group activities


    Use designated sites and country parks facilities including concertised sites for group activities


    Prioritise trails with regular maintenance


    Cycle only on designated mountain bike trails

  • Stick to the existing trails instead of creating shortcuts


    “Stay on track”, avoid damaging surrounding vegetation

  • Take your litter home


    Leave no trace by bringing your own litters away

  • Keeping the nature as its natural state


    Do not blaze a new trail and alter the nature for your own convenience

  • Respect the wildlife


    Do not disturb or destroy the wildlife and their habitats

  • Be considerate towards other users


    Sharing is caring, respect the nature and other trail users

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