參加者聲明及保證Disclaimer and Indemnity

本人 / 隊伍代表謹此聲明 : 以上資料準確無誤,同時將遵守主辦單位之活動安排及規則,並自行承擔一切活動期間因意外引起的責任,包括死亡、受傷、財物損失之任何法律責任。主辦單位綠惜地球、贊助機構和支援機構均無須對此作出賠償或負上任何責任。


本人 / 隊伍代表同意綠惜地球有絕對決定權決定因應政府政策、惡劣天氣、天然災難、傳染病、突然發生與公共交通相關或其他原因引致的事故,而對活動形式及日期和時間作出更改,且不會就綠惜地球對活動作出的更改提出異議。綠惜地球有權在任何情況下取消「綠惜夜行2024」活動,並毋須事先發出有關通知。


本人確認本人 / 本人的隊員的精神狀況良好及身體健康,並且有能力應付此活動,及未曾經執業醫生診斷為體能不適合參與此活動。


本人 / 本人的隊員同意不會在「綠惜夜行2024」的過程中作出任何不合法、破壞他人名譽、猥褻、威嚇性、侵害他人或其他冒犯性或令人反感的行為。這些行為包括但不限於任何被視為暴力、仇恨言論、騷擾、霸凌、威嚇、政治、侵權、色情及猥褻的或與上述有關的行為。本人 / 本人的隊員亦同意不會在「綠惜夜行2024」的過程中作出或企圖作出任何違反香港特別行政區法律的行為,包括但不限於《中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法》,同時亦會遵從綠惜地球及相關政府部門(如香港警務處、食物環境衛生署及康樂及文化事務署)職員所有合法的指示。若在活動過程中,任何綠惜地球或相關政府部門的職員要求你退出活動,或者要求本人 / 本人的隊員立即離開活動路線,本人 / 本人的隊員會遵從其指示。如本人 / 本人的隊員在或擬在任何綠惜地球的相關平台發布任何內容,或在活動前後或過程中發表任何評論或聲明(以書面、口頭或其他方式),本人 / 本人的隊員同意及知悉綠惜地球有絕對決定權發布該內容及隨時以任何理由從相關平台中移除該內容而不作另行通知。本人 / 本人的隊員同意及知悉本人 / 本人的隊員發表的所有意見及內容僅代表本人 / 本人的隊員的觀點,均不代表綠惜地球及是次活動的立場及看法。綠惜地球有權拒絕本人 / 本人的隊員參加是次活動,或取消本人 / 本人的隊員參加是次活動的資格。


I / the team leader agree that all the above information is accurate and comply with all relevant rules and regulations and other arrangement made by the 人rganizer.  And I / my team shall take part in the event entirely at my own risk, and I / we shall not hold the organizer, any sponsors and / or supporting organizations responsible for any accident of whatever kind, resulting from death or injury, and / or for any damage or loss or destruction of personal properties during the course of the event.


I / the team leader agree that the organiser has absolute discretion to change the format of The Green Earth Night Walk 2024 due to Government policies, inclement weather, natural disaster, infectious disease, unanticipated incidents related to public transportation, or other reasons, and will accept any other changes made to the event. I / the team leader also acknowledge that the organiser reserves the right to cancel The Green Earth Night Walk 2024 at any time without prior notice.


I / the team leader confirm that I / my team are medically and physically fit and capable of participating in The Green Earth Night Walk 2024 and have not been otherwise advised by a qualified medical practitioner.


I / my team hereby agree to refrain from any act or behaviour that is illegal, unlawful, defamatory, obscene, threatening, harmful or otherwise offensive throughout the course of The Green Earth Night Walk 2024 (“Event”). This includes but is not limited to anything that may be considered or related to violence, hate speech, harassment, bullying, threats, politics, copyright or other intellectual property infringement, sexually explicit content and obscenity.  I / my team also agree to refrain from committing or attempting to commit any act in violation of the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”), including but not limited to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR.  I / my team must obey all lawful instructions given by the staff members of the organiser and the officials of the relevant authorities, such as the Hong Kong Police Force, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and Leisure and Cultural Services Department. If, during the Event, any staff member of the organiser or any official of the relevant authorities requires you to withdraw from the Event, or I / my team to leave the Event route immediately, I / my team must abide by such instruction. To the extent I / my team have or wish to have anything published on The Green Earth (“TGE”) platforms or make any comments or statements (in writing, verbally or otherwise) before, during or after the Event, I / my team acknowledge and agree that TGE has absolute discretion to publish and to remove anything that appears on TGE’s platforms at any time and for any reason without prior notice. I / my team acknowledge and agree that all views and opinions expressed by me / my team are those of me / my team alone and do not necessarily reflect the position and views of TGE. TGE reserves the right to refuse entry or participation or otherwise discontinue your application status at the Event.

影音免責聲明 Video and Audio Collection and Use Statement

[1]       你的影像(錄像/照片)、聲音(影片攝錄、錄音聲帶或其他形式),以及/或你的故事可能供香港綠惜地球使用,用於推廣綠惜地球的工作及協助籌集經費,有機會出現在不同的媒介中,包括網站、報章、社交媒體、出版物、電視和電台等。綠惜地球沒有義務使用你的影像、聲音或故事。

[2]       你的影像、聲音及/或故事可能會被世界各地的人(包括你所在國家及地區)看到或聽到。

[3]       綠惜地球可以按你的需要隱藏你的身份,包括不拍攝面部、不使用你的聲音、不使用你真實的姓名,或不披露有關你故事的具體細節(如:日期、地點)。

[4]       你有權利拒絕綠惜地球有關錄影/拍照/錄音/採訪的要求。即使你拒絕,亦不會對你個人、你的家人以及你的團體產生任何負面影響;另一方面,你亦不會因為向綠惜地球分享了你的故事而獲得額外好處。

[5]       與你相關的影像、聲音及故事等材料,只供綠惜地球在未來五年內於推廣及宣傳時使用,綠惜地球不得在五年期限過後再次使用相關材料。不過,在期限內已發表的內容則可繼續流傳。是次收集到的材料可能會一直存檔於綠惜地球以及綠惜地球攝影師的資料庫。

[6]       如果你不希望綠惜地球再使用你的影像/故事/聲音檔,你可以電郵至[email protected] 與我們聯絡。一旦你提出停止使用的要求,我們便不會再使用你的影像/聲音檔/故事[1]。

[7]       如果你日後認為我們的實際行為不符合以上承諾,你可以向綠惜地球或相關監管機構提出投訴。


[1] 內容一旦發布便不可移除。家長/監護人應尤其考慮孩子他日長大後或不希望自己的真實姓名曾經被披露。


[1] Your image (film or photographs), voice (video recording, sound clip, or other formats), and / or story may be used to tell people about The Green Earth's work. Your image, voice, and / or story could appear on websites, in newspapers, on social media platforms, in a report, or on television and radio. However, The Green Earth is not obliged to use your story.

[2] Your image, voice, and/or story could be seen or heard by anyone worldwide (including in your community and country).

[3] If you wish, we can conceal your identity by hiding your face, not using your voice, not using your real name, or not revealing specific details of your story (e.g. dates, locations).

[4] It is your right to decide not to be filmed / photographed / recorded or interviewed by The Green Earth. There will be no disadvantages for you, your family, or your team should you choose not to. Reversely, you will not receive additional benefits as a result of sharing your story.

[5] No new communication materials will be created from your image, voice, and story after 5 years. However, published communications can continue in circulation, and content may be stored by us and by our photographer in historical archives.

[6] If you no longer want The Green Earth to use your image / story / sound clip, you can email us at [email protected].  We will not make any further use of your image, voice and /or story[1].

[7] If you think we do not respect your rights as described here, you can complain to us, or our local regulator.


[1] We cannot remove content that has already been published.  Especially parents / guardians should consider this, knowing that children may change their minds as adults and be unhappy about their real names being disclosed.

使用個人資料聲明  Personal Information Collection and Use Statement

綠惜地球(下稱「本機構」)會遵守及履行個人資料(私隱)條例之規定,並確保閣下的個人資料準確及安全。本機構擬使用 閣下的個人資料(包括姓名、地址、電郵地址、聯絡電話號碼),透過郵寄、電子郵件、電話通話、短訊及互聯網通訊等方式,提供本機構最新的資訊、問卷調查、籌募活動、捐款或會員通訊、會員活動及其他通訊,用作推廣本機構活動之用途。除非 閣下同意,否則本機構不能使用 閣下的個人資料作上述用途。

本機構將會按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》妥善處理及儲存您的個人資料。倘若 閣下希望停止接收以上資訊,請以書面(信封註明「私隱保護」)或電郵通知本機構。如有任何查詢,請透過以下途徑與本機構聯絡。

地址:新界葵涌葵昌路50號葵昌中心7樓703室  |傳真:(852) 3708 8360 |電郵:[email protected]


The Green Earth (TGE) undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data collected are accurate and secure. Your personal information (including name, postal and/or email addresses, and telephone number) may be used by The Green Earth, for the purposes of sending you newsletters, surveys, fundraising appeals, donation or membership administration, event invitations, other communication and marketing via postal mail, electronic mail, telephone, SMS and online means, etc.

You may opt-out of receiving communications from us at any time by fax (3708 8360), email ([email protected]) or write to us with the envelope marked "Re: Data Protection" to The Green Earth, Room 703, 7/F, Kwai Cheong Centre, No.50 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong.